

As a member of the American Saluki Association, you will receive the exclusive quarterly ASA Newsletter containing articles on the latest Saluki health and wellness medical research. The quarterly newsletter also features historical research articles from such Saluki experts as Sir Terence Clark, author of “Eastern Saluki: Past and Present,” and “ North Africa Mystery,” Saluki International Volume 1, 2006, and Brian Patrick Duggan, author of “Saluki: The Desert Hound and the English Travelers Who Brought It to the West”, McFarland & Co., 2009. The ASA Newsletter is only available to Association members.

DUES for July 1, 2024 –  June 30, 2025

Currently, dues for members from the United States are $65.00 (US) per year for one membership. Membership for Canadians is $73.  Regular members will receive the quarterly ASA Newsletter and have one vote in all Association elections. Membership is $12 per year for each additional adult family member living at the same address. Members may elect to receive their Newsletter via First Class postage for an additional $25 (US) per year.

Dues for non-US members are $83 (US) per year, including foreign postage. Non-US members will receive the ASA Newsletter but will not have the right to vote.


You may pay for your membership using PayPal and clicking on the box below.

Send your membership application to the Treasurer, American Saluki Association,  email

You may also pay by check made out to the AMERICAN SALUKI ASSOCIATION and sent with your application to the Treasurer at the address listed on the application.

 Membership application download available here.


$65.00 USD

US Membership + 1st Class Postage

$90.00 USD

ASSOCIATE MEMBER – must also have regular membership

$12.00 USD

Canada Membership

$73.00 USD


$83.00 USD